Wednesday, March 12, 2014

The Next China Chapter!


Sorry it’s been ever so long but what with all the trouble of finding a flat I liked, I decided to just wait for my first post until I’d fully settled in!

Anyway, here I am! In Dàlián – a coastal city in the northwest of China (about a 6 hour high speed train ride from Běijīng). Here are a few pics of my new digs (living solo):

My building -I'm on the 10th floor
(also contains a student dorm)
The lounge area!
My bedroom - that bed could fit about 5 of me in
Little alcove off my bedroom
The bathroom - classic wetroom 
Boy is it different up here to down south! I was pretty spaced out when I arrived (crazy long journey with little sleep) but I was still shocked by the immediate differences I could see. I’ve been here about 3 weeks now and have made a list of the most prominent ones:

~   First and foremost is the road conduct here – still pretty crazy obviously, but there are next to no scooters around! And double-decker busses! Madness!
~   Another major difference is the staring. I’m not sure if it’s because Dàlián receives its fair share of foreign tourists or if I’m just sort of immune to it, but I get stared at a LOT less than I did in Fúzhōu. Very refreshing!
~   Also, I think there’s less spitting here. Thank God as that’s a disgusting habit.
~   There are a heck of a lot more western and non-Chinese restaurants available. At the moment, not a huge deal but in a few months time when I’m really craving real bread and pasta they’ll be a godsend!
~   Climate – one of the reasons I chose the city to begin with! But the weather here is a lot more like good old Blighty’s – meaning chilly winters and bearable summers so I won’t be sweating like a sinner in church
~   Taxis: I’ve noticed that there seem to be a lot less taxis around here, and that a lot of people taxi share to save on cost – but this makes me a little uneasy so I avoid them where I can!
~   Finally, they have English translations on bus signs! As if! If only they’d had these in Fúzhōu my life would have been so much easier when I’d first arrived!

So that’s my Dàlián musing done for now! Thus far, I’m really liking the city! Apparently it was voted the most liveable city in China for foreigners and I can definitely see why.

As for my experience with my new employer… I now work at EF (English First) and so far I really like it here! SUCH a different set up to Belief. As it’s a global company, I’ve found its management and organisation to be sooooo much better which is music to my ears, I must say! Also, where Belief threw me in at the deep end with no training for teaching, EF is the polar opposite with extensive training and observation classes. At first the training put me at ease as I did feel pretty rusty not having taught for a few months, but now it just seems quite unnecessary and tedious because I HAVE taught before so I do know what I’m doing in the classroom. But can’t be helped! Besides, everyone keeps saying I should enjoy my easy schedule because in a few weeks time a couple of teachers will be leaving and I'll have loads to do! Speaking of the other teachers, my new colleagues are all friendly and helpful and it seems to be a really positive working environment in the office.

So! All in all I’m happy! The only thing on my mind now is stopping by Fúzhōu and collecting the bag that I left behind - which hopefully I’ll be able to do in a couple of weeks.

Peace out
