Thursday, November 13, 2014

An EF Halloween

Greetings readers!

As I’m sure you were all aware, All Hallows’ Eve has just passed us. Obviously China doesn’t really celebrate this holiday – but being a language school, EF had an activity on for the evening, which I was SUPER excited about. The idea was to have various rooms set up and decorated, each with a different foreign teacher and activity for the students to do. I chose to do face/mask painting; other activities included musical tombstones (musical chairs but for Halloween), the classic close your eyes and put your hand in a box and say what you feel game, dressing students up as mummies and others. The plan was simple: split the students into groups (8 in total with about 16 students in each) and with careful time management (each teacher was only allowed 12 minutes to run their activity before they were supposed to pack the students up and make way for the next group), move them out of each room so the whole evening was only running for two hours. This idea was obviously easier said than put into practice!

But before I get into that, I have to say the most fun part of the evening was dressing up and getting ready with my co-workers. Now the school ‘chose’ Superheroes as the theme for the staff to dress up as, but this theme wasn’t really stuck to – we had vampires, Hermoine from Harry Potter, some comic book villains and more. I decided originally to go as Storm from the X-Men (the school provided our costumes – though all I requested was a white wig), but then to add that little something Halloween-y to it, changed to Zombie Storm (see below). I went a bit mad on Pinterest and Youtube in the weeks leading up to Halloween finding the best tutorials on how to do my face and make realistic looking zombie bites/wounds – I don’t know why, but I was super into this holiday this year! I really freaked some of the students/parents/Chinese staff out with my costume too which was great. Anyways, as I have - quite frankly - awesome nail painting skills, people assumed I’d be good at face painting, so I spent the first part of the evening painting the faces of my colleagues which was fun. Then the mayhem commenced…

It wasn’t TOO bad to be honest. Firstly though, the main problem I encountered was that most, if not all, of the students did not actually want their faces painted. Boring bastards! But the school had given me these masks as an alternative for the younger students, so I just ended up using all of those, and the others could just paint their hands/arms. Such funny kids over here. Then the worst part of the evening was the timing issue. Twelve minutes is not a lot of time to paint anything really – especially when you have to explain what we’re doing/hand out supplies before anyone picks up a brush. But the event flew by and before I knew it, I was handing out sweets and saying goodbye. Thank goodness. Afterwards a few of my friends and I went to a Halloween party at a popular bar in the city which was fun – but I couldn’t stay too long as I was working the next day. Bummer.

So that’s Halloween in a nutshell! Now I’m curious/apprehensive about what the school will plan for their Christmas activity – just hope we get to dress up again!

Here are a few pics for your delight:

Practice bite!


My rotting zombie skin

The final costume! Apart from getting
an egg head with the wig, I think it all
worked out nicely!

Storm and Snow White (aka Michelle)

Storm and Poison Ivy (aka Dylis,
aka one of the nicest people to work with!)
Painting in action
This kid wanted a spider web
More in action
And again!

Two of my favourite students - Vicky and Cici
They were pretty freaked out by my costume
Staff pic!
(Excuse my awkward smile)

P.S. You may have noticed a difference in font/effects on my photos – I’m writing this post on my new laptop (MAC!) so still experimenting with everything on here until I find things I like.

Until next time


Wednesday, November 12, 2014

My Chinese Holiday - Part 3: 大连市

Wow, blink and a loooooong time goes by! Sorry for the delay between posts – especially as this last one of my holiday is the shortest and least interesting in a way.

Anyway, we left Dāndōng for Dàlián, and after a long coach journey with no toilet breaks, we arrived! So while in Dàlián not an awful lot happened to be honest! I gave my pals a little tour of the city – or at least the more interesting parts – but Dàlián is pretty modern so no real historical sites to visit or anything like that. We did visit a couple of stuff and food markets here, (what I call) Little Russia and supposedly the largest square in Asia – Xinghai Square (it is definitely more of an oval). Then the rest of the time we were just eating and enjoying each others’ company! Oh I almost forgot, one of the most important cultural experiences I got to show them while they were here: KTV! Turned out it was super easy and cheap to book a room for just the three of us and we had a whale of a time I must say. Definitely something that should be in England!

The End! Sorry that this post is so short and boring, but I had to round off my trip!

Bye for now