As I mentioned in my first post,
I LOVE the Chinese language. Since arriving I've been surrounded by it day in
and day out and I think that’s really helping me learn! So I obviously have the basics
down: nĭ hăo (hello), zàijiàn (goodbye), xièxiè (thank you), bù xiè/bù kèqì
(you’re welcome), duìbùqĭ (sorry – though this is quite formal; I know an
informal version, but not how to spell it in Pinyin), numbers etc. I’ve also
learnt a few useful phrases and random words too!
So, I decided I’m going to post
a word (or phrase) of the week every Monday (well when it turns Monday here) to motivate me to
learn more and give you an idea of my progress!
The word/phrase of the week
A little
I’m starting to use this when
people ask me if I can speak Chinese (Nĭ huì shuō Zhōngwén ma?). Though to be
honest, I mostly just say I can’t speak Chinese (Wŏ bù huì).
But even with the all the tonal
trouble, Mandarin really isn’t as bad as people have made out! It’s no picnic
obviously, more like a trek up a really, really high mountain – seemingly impossible
at first, then a constant uphill struggle but eventually it’ll be SO worth it.
tuned for next week!
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