Friday, December 13, 2013

Thailand Part 5: The Full Moon

Excited to head to our next island, we boarded yet another ferry to take us to Koh Phangan. Unfortunately, the accommodation waiting for us here (we were organised this time and already made reservations, fearing that the Full Moon Party would mean lots of places would be booked up) left a fair bit to be desired…

From the outside, I felt it looked quite charming! And was situated right on a lovely little beach (if quite pebbly). But alas, once we entered our teeny tiny ‘cabins’ we were all in shock. I definitely saw the funny side. It’s one of those things you’ll look back on and laugh at how dismal and grimy it was to stay there for a few nights. At the time it was just funny in a painful sort of way. Anyway, pictures are much better here:

From the outside. The cabins on the left look cute! Ours were the ones on the right.
Our beach
The interior - a double bed and this:
Bathroom, also seen Saw
We made the best of it though!
Creating a sort of nest with what we had
(And throwing in a few candles for mood lighting)

So after the shock of our living quarters, we decided to explore the nightlife! Our first night – the day before Full Moon – was spent predrinking then heading to a supposedly fantastic pool party. The party itself may have been pretty good, but the one we ended up was actually a copycat party with about 25 other guests. We stayed a bit then gave up and headed to the beach and the bars down there. And we found a great scene! Groovy music, lots of people and great value buckets! I had a fab night!

Then I honestly don’t know how we passed the time until Full Moon. Eating and shopping for florescent paint I think. But anyway, Full Moon Party! I’d been looking forward to/dreading this ever since we decided we were going to meet in Thailand. Honestly, I was a bit disappointed! I thought it would be much more epic than it actually was. It was still a good night with all the florescent clothing you could imagine, but it was pretty much the same as the previous one, but with a power cut and a rainy spell thrown in. 

Painted and ready!

So much alcohol and so little mixer

The next morning we bid farewell to almost everyone, leaving only 4 of us to head back to Koh Samui (and Go Samui) for some much needed comfort and English TV! 

Next was onto our last (new) stop in Thailand before leaving! Chiang Mai, here we come!


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